Extends the linear ranges of enzyme assays for better first-time results and fewer reruns.
With increasing demand for improved accuracy and reliability of results, Six Sigma in revolutionizing how clinical laboratories measure quality control.
Six Sigma began as a tool to minimize variation, improve manufacturing processes, and institutionalize quality. It is a means to identify errors or “defects” and reduce variability.
Six Sigma metrics have proven to be a powerful tool that enables your laboratory to objectively and quantitatively assess the performance of your assays and instruments. Abbott's Six Sigma can help reduce costs associated with reagents, supplies, control material, labor and quality control failure investigations.
Our instruments and their technologies are designed with Six Sigma in mind, delivering efficiency, productivity, improved patient flow, and standardization.
Extends the linear ranges of enzyme assays for better first-time results and fewer reruns.
Simplified inventory management, automated maintenance, and is simple to change.
Only 29 µL is needed for an 8-test metabolic panel on Alinity c; pressure differential technology detects clots.1
Standardizes sample integrity reporting and supports confidence in result integrity, providing fast turnaround time at no added cost.
1. Sample volume of 29 uL required for basic metabolic panel on Alinity c. Assays include: Calcium, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, Creatinine Glucose, Potassium, Sodium, and Urea Nitrogen.
Our extensive assay menu helps physicians make timely, informed decisions throughout the continuum of care.
Learn about the innovative total laboratory automation solution with proven technology and flexibility to meet your goals.
Discover how Alinity uses powerful technology to help redefine and improve operational productivity and confidence in your laboratory.
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