The healthcare marketplace is constantly changing. To remain efficient and competitive, laboratories must elevate their capabilities to effectively manage changing conditions that cannot be identified today.
Our total solution approach addresses every facet of the complex healthcare equation -- with automation at its heart.
Whether it's an integrated whole laboratory approach, greater agility and adaptability for changing colume and productivity demands, or unmatched expertise that only a real partner can offer, Abbott is here for you.
In the United States, the GLP systems Track is FDA cleared and approved. Orderability is pending for certain modules and features.
Introducing GLP systems Track, an innovative laboratory automation solution, offering you proven technology with flexibility and options to meet your high-volume needs.
Transformation System
Unleash your lab’s potential with Abbott’s Transformation System. Engage stakeholders to unlock value and deliver better outcomes.
Customer Experience Center
Explore Abbott's collaborative center to learn about tailored live demonstrations, workshops and the mobile Transformation Tour.
Knowledge Center
Find the latest information in laboratory science, therapeutic areas and Abbott innovation.
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