Architect c8000

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Architect c8000 background image
Architect c8000 background image

Medium volume

High productivity

Consistent STAT turnaround time. Large load-up capacity. Carryover ≤0.1 ppm – sample to sample and tube to tube.

The ARCHITECT c8000 clinical chemistry analyzer provides all these benefits to help you achieve excellent first-time results and fever reruns. With the ARCHITECT c8000, you can have speed and confidence in your clinical results.

The ARCHITECT c8000 offers a maximum throughput of up to 1,200 tests per hour. Featuring a load-up capacity of 215 samples with 35 priority positions, the ARCHITECT c8000  has up to 121 refrigerated reagent positions plus Integrated Chip Technology (Na+, K+ and Cl-).

For in vitro diagnostic use only.

Expand your capabilities

By integrating the ARCHITECT c8000 with the ARCHITECT i2000SR immunoassay analyzer, you consolidate clinical chemistry and immunoassay testing capabilities in one platform for greater ease of use.

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